Auxier Privacy Policy

Auxier is a division of ENTACT, wholly owned and operated by ENTACT, LLC.
ENTACT is committed to respecting the privacy of all users of this website as it may be modified, relocated and/or redirected from time to time. ENTACT collects and processes personal information about you from your use of this website and through other means, such as by contacting us directly by phone or email or more generally while operating our business. ENTACT has adopted this privacy policy to inform current and prospective users of this website of the type of information collected by ENTACT and how we collect, use, and protect such information and how you can assert your rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Assistance for the disabled

Alternative formats of this privacy policy are available to individuals with a disability. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Other websites

The website may contain links to other websites not operated or controlled by us (“Third Party Sites”). The policies and procedures we describe here do not apply to Third Party Sites. The links from the website do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed the Third-Party Sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy policies.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act compliance

We do not collect information from anyone under thirteen years of age. The services we provide, together with our website, are all directed to individuals who are at least thirteen years old. If you are under the age of thirteen, you are not authorized to use our services or the website.

Categories of personal information we collect

Personal information is any information relating to you or that we can otherwise link to you or your household. ENTACT may collect personal information if a user interacts with ENTACT through mail, telephone, email, or other forms of electronic communication. In these situations, collected information may include:
  • Identifiers, for example, an individual’s name, email address, physical address, and telephone number.
  • Commercial information, for example, records of services
  • Internet activity information, for example, information about your usage of the website, such as the pages you viewed, the services and features you used or interacted with, your browser type and details about any links with which you interacted; internet protocol (IP) address; browser plug-in types and versions; and operating systems and platform.
  • Professional information, for example, job title, position, business contact information.
  • Sensory or surveillance data, for example, voicemails and recordings as described below in “User Content.”
  • User Content includes content you submit when you contact ENTACT. This may include recordings you create, including audio recordings or voicemail you submit in connection with you contacting ENTACT.
  • Communications data, for example, during our communications with you, we collect the content of these communications as well as metadata about the communications, e., date and time of the call or text (SMS or MMS) message and phone numbers.
Note on sensitive personal information: ENTACT does not infer characteristics from sensitive personal information. ENTACT only uses sensitive personal information as necessary to perform the services the average person would reasonably expect when requesting those services, to ensure security and integrity, short term transient use, to maintain the quality of our services, or for other purposes permitted by the California Privacy Rights Act and implementing regulations (“CPRA”) without the right to opt out.
This website uses “cookies” technology, through which certain data is sent to a user’s computer from the ENTACT web server and stored on the user’s hard drive. This data identifies the individual as a unique user when visiting this website. This technology does not provide ENTACT with information about a user’s name, address, telephone number, email address or any other personally identifiable information.

Tracking across time and different sites

The website does not track your online activities over time and across websites or online services on an individually identifiable basis. We do allow third parties to use our website to track your activities over time or across other websites.

Do not track setting

Some web browsers incorporate a “Do Not Track” feature (DNT) that signals to the websites that you visit that you do not want to have your online activity tracked. Many websites and applications, including this website, do not currently respond to web browser DNT signals because such signals are not yet uniform. For more information about DNT signals, please visit

The categories of sources from which we collect your personal information

  • You, for example, when you contact us through our website or otherwise provide information directly to us.
  • Service providers, for example, analytics providers, IT, and system administration services.
  • Automated technologies, for example, browsing activity collected by automated technologies on the website.
  • Third parties, the company for which you work.
  • Surveillance/recording technologies installed by ENTACT, for example, video surveillance in common areas of ENTACT facilities, voicemail technologies, and audio recording technologies with consent to the extent required by law.

How we use and process information

We use the personal information we collect from you for the following purposes:
  • To provide services (i.e., administering our services, communicating with you, improving our services, and conducting research on further improvements).
  • For support and marketing (i.e., providing customer support, responding to any requests, queries, suggestions, feedback, or comments you may have, informing you of any changes to the services, this privacy policy, or any other policies or terms in relation thereto, and performing operations to maintain the services, including to conduct data analysis, testing, and research);
  • For monitoring, security, and compliance (i.e., administering and protecting our business and this website, including troubleshooting, analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data, and preventing fraud and abuse).
  • Storing, hosting, or backing up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) our services or any data contained therein.
  • Protecting the rights, property, or safety of ENTACT, you, or
  • Exercising ENTACT’s rights under applicable law and to support any claim, defense, or declaration in a case or before a jurisdictional and/or administrative authority, arbitration, or mediation panel, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulatory obligations).

How we may disclose your personal information

ENTACT discloses personal information as necessary for the purposes described above to the following categories of external recipients:
  • Service providers and contractors: ENTACT discloses your personal information to service providers and contractors for the purposes above to assist us in meeting our business needs and contractual and legal obligations.
  • Required disclosures: We may be required to disclose personal information in a court proceeding, in response to a court order, subpoena, civil discovery request, other legal process, or as otherwise required by law.
  • Legal compliance and protections: We may disclose personal information when we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of ENTACT, our customers, or others.

No sales or sharing:

We do not sell your personal information or disclose it to third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising (“sharing”). We also do not sell the personal information of children under sixteen nor disclose it to third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.

Retention of information

Your personal information will be retained for as long as you are one of our business contacts, or longer as required by applicable law. We also retain your personal information for 12 months after our last interaction with you. We will retain personal information longer as necessary to comply with legal, administrative, or procedural requirements, for example, a litigation hold.

Security measures and disclosure

ENTACT implements what it believes are appropriate procedural and technical measures to secure and protect personal information on ENTACT systems, including from risks such as unauthorized access or improper use. ENTACT does not sell or transfer personal information to affiliates or third parties for value and does not intend to do so in the future. We will amend this privacy policy promptly upon any changes to this policy.

Breach notification

Notwithstanding ENTACT’s efforts to protect user information, no security system is completely impenetrable, and therefore ENTACT cannot guarantee the absolute security of its databases, nor can ENTACT guarantee that user-supplied information will not be intercepted while in transit to ENTACT through electronic means. Any transmission of information or data by you to or through this website or through other electronic means is at your sole risk.

Rights concerning personal information

Your rights described in this privacy policy are applicable only if you reside in a jurisdiction where the provision of such rights is required by the data protection and privacy laws of the governing regulatory authority, as outlined further below. These rights may be limited and subject to further legal requirements.

Privacy rights for California residents

Subject to applicable law, California residents have the following rights:
  • Right to know: You have the right to submit a verifiable request to know the specific pieces of personal information obtained from you and for information about ENTACT’s collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.
  • Right to delete: You have the right to submit a verifiable request for the deletion of personal information that you have provided ENTACT; and
  • Right to correct: You have the right to submit a verifiable request for the correction of inaccurate personal information maintained by ENTACT, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of processing the personal information.
  • Right of no retaliation or discrimination: You have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the California Privacy Rights Act.

How to exercise your California rights:

ENTACT will respond to requests to know, delete, and correct in accordance with applicable law if it can verify the identity of the individual submitting the request. You can exercise these rights in the following ways:

How we will verify your request to exercise California rights:

The processes that we follow to verify your identity when you make a request to know, correct, or delete are described below. The relevant process depends on how and why the request is submitted.
If you submit a request by any means other than through a password-protected account that you created before the date of your request, the verification process that we follow will depend on the nature of your request.
For a less risky request, such as a request to know how we manage your personal information, we will match at least two data points that you provide against information about you that we already have in our records and that we have determined to be reliable for purposes of verifying your identity. Examples of relevant data points include your mobile phone number or your email address.
For a more risky request, such as a request for a copy of specific pieces of your personal information, we will match at least three data points that you provide against information that we already have about you in our records and that we have determined to be reliable for purposes of verifying your identity. In addition, we may require you to sign a declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the individual whose personal information is the subject of the request.
We have implemented the following additional procedures when verifying the identity of requestors:
  1. If we cannot verify your identity based on the processes described above, we may ask you for additional verification information. If we do so, we will not use that information for any purpose other than verification.
  2. If we cannot verify your identity to a sufficient level of certainty to respond to your request, we will let you know promptly and explain why we cannot verify your identity.

Authorized agents:

If an authorized agent submits a request to know, correct, or delete on your behalf, the authorized agent must submit with the request either (a) a power of attorney that is valid under California law, or
(b) document signed by you that authorizes the authorized agent to submit the request on your behalf. In addition, we may ask you to follow the applicable process described above for verifying your identity. You can obtain an “Authorized Agent Designation” form by contacting us at [email protected].

Changes to this privacy policy

ENTACT reserves the right to amend this privacy policy in its sole discretion from time to time. ENTACT will post any changes to this privacy policy on this website, so users are aware of what information ENTACT collects, how such information is used, and under what circumstances.

For more information

For questions or concerns about ENTACT’S privacy policy and practices, please contact us at [email protected].