Photo of chemical radiological remediation.

Multi-Phase Remediation and Restoration Creates Pond, Wetlands, and Walking Trails

Auxier and ENTACT are performing an ecological restoration of 100+ acres previously home to several chemical manufacturers, a clay mining operation, and a disposal area for impacted soils and dredge spoils. The restoration plan includes creating a 14-acre open-water pond, 40 acres of wetland mitigation, 55 acres of upland enhancement, and close to two miles of public walking trails and boardwalks.

The first phase remediated impacted sediments from a 4.9-acre lake on the site. Benzaldehyde, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (BEHP), formaldehyde, and PCB sediments ranged from 0.5 to 7 feet and were underlain by a continuous layer of denser sands and clays.

Phase I Scope

  • Draining and dewatering of the lake
  • Construction and operation of a temporary water treatment system
  • Removal of 30,000 cubic yards of sediment
  • Preparation of the on-site consolidation area
  • Construction of a 4.4-acre, 1-foot surface cover over the consolidation area
  • 3,600 cubic yards of imported cap fill
  • 3,600 cubic yards of topsoil and vegetation
  • Wetland mitigation, seeding, and planting within disturbed areas, wetlands, and upland areas
  • Installation of permanent stormwater features, including conveyance channels and aprons in the encroachment area and a concrete headwall in the lake

The second phase of the project addressed the remediation and restoration of 23 acres that were impacted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, metals, and radiological waste, including Ra-226, Th-232, and U-238.

Phase II Scope

  • Assembly and operation of a water pre-treatment and storage system
  • Targeted excavation of visually observed non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) impacted soil and sediment
  • Installation of a barrier wall system consisting of steel sheet pile and connection to the existing steel sheet pile
  • Subgrade preparation, including cutting/filling and material handling before installation of soil upland surface covers and a low permeability geosynthetic surface cap
  • Installation of the surface cover and the low permeability surface cap systems
  • Installation of NAPL recovery wells, barrier wall, and wetland piezometers, and amendment application wells
  • Waste and material management, and off-site transportation and disposal
  • Wetland restoration and mitigation
  • Installation of permanent stormwater measures

For the third phase of this project, ENTACT performed work in the western uplands, which included blending and capping of soil that exceeds radiological cleanup criteria; placement of cap fill material and topsoil within the forest land use area; base grading and consolidation of excess soils; and placement of cap fill material and topsoil.

For the wetland area, we removed fill materials, restored disturbed wetland surfaces with a wetland surface cover, invasive species management, re-seeded and planted, and enhanced upland and riparian zone habitat.

The final phase of this project was the construction of paved and gravel access roads, paved parking and turn-around areas, and final surface coarse paving of existing road sections; construction of a trail network including stone and asphalt trails, public gathering areas, and bird blinds; completion of boardwalk and overlook platform; and site restoration.

Auxier managed the radiological activities at the site. The Auxier team coordinated interactions with state regulators to establish the project’s scope, applicable radiological release criteria, and an onsite radiological laboratory to support remediation efforts.

The 2-acre uranium-impacted area was excavated and 6,000 tons of soil shipped offsite for disposal at an RCRA subtitle C facility. An additional 45,000 tons of lightly impacted uranium soil was reused onsite.

The adjacent TENORM-impacted wetlands were characterized to 16 feet or deeper, with all invasive activities in the wetlands monitored and managed by the Auxier team.

MARSSIM-based surveys demonstrated compliance with release criteria, and the northern third of the property has a commercial power plant and a trucking facility.

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